By now you may have read my chapter on the Blockbuster of the Year - Rodin. (1840-1917) There was another exhibition to see which intrigued me. A combination of the work of Anselm Kiefer who you may remember I like very much and Rodin. 

This exhibition was to mark the centenary of the death of Auguste Rodin. The museum had given carte blanche to contemporary artists and this time around it was Kiefer. I was fascinated to discover what the relationship was between the two artists. When we were in Milan in 2015, we had discovered Kiefer’s cathedrals  -

Anselm Kiefer - Milan 2015            (1945-

When I looked this up, I discovered that I had written four other chapters on the same artist.

I wondered if we would see a new approach to the cathedrals in relationship to Rodin. Both artists were/are giants and their work seems to be shaped with freedom and liberated from all artistic contingencies. Kiefer is not easy to look at for that reason. His work is often a statement. However, he was invited to develop a project on The Cathedrals of France, a book published by Rodin a hundred years earlier. He began to work on the « cathedral » in 2013. Apparently he studied or rather he immersed himself in Rodin’s work and set out on this long road of exploration. Sketches, erotic drawings - and yes, there are lot in Rodin’s work, fragments of plaster which in return helped him to engender new forms.

These cathedrals are majestic. Kiefer in an alchemist, an inquisitor of texture…layers are broken up, areas of thickness are worked again - and again. Would you believe that he purchased part of the lead roof of the Cologne Cathedral in 1985 which appears in his work.

The Cathedrals of France -2016

The Cathedrals of France -2016

The Cathedrals of France -2016

There are glass cases which contain mysterious sculptures with equally mysterious titles. 

Looking ahead

Fall out 2016

Danae - 2016
Sursum corda, 2016

Palm Oil -2016

Palm Sunday - 2016

Probe -  2016

Fall out 2016 on the gardens
The Valhyries - 2016

Emanation - 2016

Made of plaster for most of them. 

The exotic ad erotic drawings are in cases. But you need to look at them closely to make out the shadows of a human body -evanescent female figures emerge from the material. 

The titles seem to be for each one, "The Cathedrals of France" - but it's not clear 



There are certain works on Rodin which had never been displayed before. This for instance. « Absolution » which stands in the centre of the room. It is composed of three pre-exiting figures and covered with a large drapery. This strange work was probably made around 1900 and is shown for the first time to the public - 100 years after his death.

Rodin - Absolution - around 1900

Rodin - Absolution - around 1900

Before writing this small chapter I needed to look and look again at the photos. 
This video made for the exhibition shows what I saw. 

Rodin was very modern and « before his time ». Anselm Kiefer’s work seems to reflect the same majesty and yet I don’t find similarities in their sculptures or paintings…Kiefer's work is compelling - even hypnotic. Rodin is much more realistic in my book.


Michael Keane a dit…
Love Kiefer's work and its minimalist, almost Japanese approach. Also, the ornate windows and garden in the background gives the sculptures a new dimension.
Michael Keane a dit…
Obviously I haven't completely grasped the significance of this dual exposition, but I consider Kiefer's work utterly different from that of Rodin.

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