"Rythmes sans fin" explores the work of Robert Delaunay (1885-1941) during the Twenties and Thirties. I have always thought of him as one of the explorers of abstraction. Formes Circulaires, Soleil 2 -1912-13 There were around 80 works in the form of paintings, drawings, reliefs, mosaics, models, a tapestry and a large number of documentary photographs. Thanks to the large donation made by Sonia Delaunay and her son Charles to the Musée National d’Art Moderne in 1964, the Centre Pompidou now possesses the world's largest collection of works by Robert and Sonia Delaunay. "Rythmes sans fin" explores his work after the war. Particularly after the Thirties, he regained an interest in mural painting, and extended his field to the modern environment by moving towards monumentality. No doubt about it, some of the paintings are big and in a small space, it is not always easy to back up from them. Manège de Cochons , 1922 Composition, 1935 La...