Early in 2005, when I came back after work to see my Mother at dinner time, in the afternoon she had been to the Cartier Foundation to see Ron Mueck. She handed me a post card and said "What do you think?" I gasped In Bed 2005 «But it’s François.....» a departed friend. It couldn’t be true...... In Bed 2005 I rushed off to see Ron Mueck the following weekend. Mueck was born in Melbourne in 1958 to parents of German origin. His hobby became his career. He was already 38 when a replica of his father’s naked body propelled him into the world of contemporary art. Mueck’s exhibitions are few and far between. The documentary I saw this time showed how meticulous he is not to mention his hyperrealism and precision. All his sculptures have a sense of reality that is often moving or even disturbing. Every time I have seen his work be it at the Venise Biennale, in Australia or here in Paris, it wouldn’t have surprised me at all if one of them, any of them, had opened...