Abel Pann (1883–1963), born in Latvia] or in Kreslawka. He was a European Jewish artist who spent most of his adult life in Jerusalem. Until seeing his work at the Jewish museum today, I knew nothing about him. The gallery was empty and the exhibition difficult to accept because of the horror it depicted. Especially after laughing with Marc Gotlib. Having decided to move to Jerusalem permanently, Pann returned to Europe to arrange his affairs before moving to the British Mandate of Palestine, but was caught on the continent by World War I. Pann's wartime paintings would prove to be among "the most important" of his career.He made many posters to support the French war effort.He also made a series of fifty drawings showing the extreme suffering of Jewish communities caught in the fighting between Germany, Poland and Russia. This was the subject of the exhibition. These "shocking" drawings put modern viewers in mind of depictions of the Holocaust. Pann's ...