Compiègne Palace By now I would think that anyone who reads these chapters, knows that I am no historian. Without the past there would be no present and the past in many ways makes us what we are today. Coming from Australia and in a Tasmanian school, local history was important but European took very much second if not third place. It was not easy when I first came to France to understand French history, combine it with English and get my facts right. I still find it very difficult. I have purchased small history books over the years which I read - and then in minutes, I have forgotten what I read. Consequently, visiting historical monuments is not really in my line. Appreciated for their usually overdecorated and gilded furniture, the practical side of me, tends to ask « down to earth » questions, such as « Did they really enjoy living in such pomp? » « Where is the kitchen? » « Why were the beds so high and small? » I could go on....