The fountain in front of the Grand Palais Remember how I mixed up Niki de Saint Phalle and Nicolas de Stäel (Le Havre in July. THE "SEAS" I REALLY LOVE )? I have seen a lot of Niki’s work over the years. Statues in gardens, close to the Beaubourg centre, in Switzerland and the Tinguely foundation. They amused me - but no more. In fact her worked seemed to be rather repetitive with the Nanas. There is a retrospective of her work at the moment at the Grand Palais. One of the largest since she died 12 years ago. I know a few people who always go on the first day to such events. I decided to take the plunge and was right to do so. Apart from a couple of groups, there were very few people at opening time but when I left some three hours later, I could see this would be a block buster. How many people though would try to look at her work and fathom it out? I saw at once that she is not known from my point of view for her wide palette. She was born in 1930, the scion of a...