As I said in the previous chapter, there is really little on, exhibition wise, that interests me at the moment. I went to the Zadkine museum with a friend to see a collection of Russian photos « Travels in Old Russia » but apart from one or two photos, I was not impressed. The collection was quite big but unfortunately there was no map to indicate where « we were » and my Russian geography is very poor. So when Marielle suggested we go to see the « Parisians » seen from Honoré Daumier’s (1808-1879) point of view, I jumped at the opportunity. Daumier was or is best known for his politically charged satirical drawings but when they were censored he turned to the Parisians and how they behaved. The exhibition is quite remarkable as it shows how one enjoyed oneself in the capital during the years 1830-1870. There are different rooms when we were invited to look at different situations. The Theatre, the walk in the r...