I would think that the name Dominique Strauss-Kahn rings a bell ? He was a brilliant politician but unfortunately was also a brilliant seducer. There have been many court cases against him. I have always been in admiration of his second wife, Anne Sinclair. She may have come from an extremely influential family, not to mention rich, but she stood by him until the end. The rumors of how much was « spent » to keep him out of prison or simply out of court cases is an amount that none of those I know would see in a life time. I have a lot of respect for her. One evening at the theatre I was carefully going up the stairs to the balcony studying my feet as I do these days and banged into someone. It was Anne Sinclair. She was always a beauty with those huge blue eyes and for her years (1948-) I would think that many men are still after her. The man with her that evening was Pierre Nova, a French historian and quite a bit older than she is. The only disagreeable moment about that enc...