
Affichage des articles du septembre 27, 2015


On Monday I was looking at an Art Application on the iPhone. What to go and see? As is often the case at the « Rentrée » as we call it here - back to school/work or what have you, not too much opens at the beginning of September, more like mid September. Then I had a minor brain wave. Let’s just go and wander around in the Louvre. I have been in France for nearly 45 years and must have been to the Louvre as often or even more times and yet, I’ve always gone with the purpose of seeing something in particular. This time it would be without a purpose - and that is rare for me. Of course there was one. The Winged Victory of Samothrace It was unveiled in July 2014 after nearly a year of restoration. The stairway where she was shown in all her glory has looked very empty all that time. This monumental statue of the winged goddess of victory (also known as the Nike of Samothrace), standing in the prow of a ship set on a low plinth, was offered to the great...