Am working backwards this time. The morning was spent in «Art in War» with Marielle and after lunch I went off alone and backwards into the Michael Werner collection. There was no need to rush. Much to the surprise of the attendant I asked to go in at the end rather than start at the beginning - and thank goodness.
Kirkeby in the 80's Gianni and I had discovered the Danish Per Kirkeby in Brussels at the beginning of the year «Hidden Images» - 14th of February. Here without expecting it was one whole room dedicated to Kirkeby. A couple of people wandered through - fast - I stood in the centre of the gallery alone, turning around - and around before discovering each painting.Many of the paintings had been enormous in the Beaux Arts but with the exception of a few, most were around the same size. As there was a young girl attendant following every step I took and quite bemused by my interest, I forgot to try and take a photo. This is a picture I saw on Internet amongst m...