The communication for the Louvre ABU DHABI has been around for some months - maybe longer. Marielle and I decided to go the day after the opening. The thousands of people going into the Louvre was enough to daunt the keenest of us all and I cringed for a moment thinking that our exhibition would be flooded. Not at all. We saw it in exceptional conditions. When the Islam gallery opening a few years ago, I tried to see it in the early days but waited for over a year before the crowds had slowed down. I would think that for « Birth of a Museum » will create the same traffic, so we were very fortunate. On seeing the maquette, my first remark was « now if the Guggenheim was there, I would go to see them both » - something triggered off something else in my mind and later I remembered that the Guggenheim is to be there - the largest in the world, opening in 2017 and the Louvre opens at the end of 2015. I hope I’ll be around to visit them. The ...