My Mother was not a name dropper. She just took it for granted that when speaking about someone, you would know the person in question. I know this infuriated a lot of her friends around the world when she wrote to them or even talking to them in person. I tried to keep up when I came to live in France. It wasn’t always easy. Even more so as my Australian upbringing had not taking into account film makers, painters, photographers, philosophers, psychiatrists - I could really call this Mother’s 4 P’s. For me Hans Richter was a painter. Not one that overwhelmed me and yet the name seemed to ring a bell. I went off to the Beaubourg in Metz to discover why. Beaubourg Metz Looking down from the 3rd gallery This exhibition traces more than a half century of Hans Richter’s life using film as a catalyst. I had read about this before going to Metz but it wasn’t until I began visiting the exhibition that the puzzle fell into place.