Just somehow too much . Now why should a blog chapter on an exhibition have such a title. Bare with me as I am going to express a few personal thoughts on the matter and probably pretty intimate too.
It’s been years now since I have read about the Shchukin collection in Russia along with Morosov. They were two Russian art collectors who stood out at the beginning of the 20th century: the cloth merchant Sergei Shchukin (1854–1936) and the textile manufacturer Ivan Morozov (1871–1921). Both acquired modern French art, developed a sensibility for spotting new trends, and publicized them in Russia. Shchukin was among the earliest to appreciate the work of French Impressionist artists. When the French were pronouncing them insane and worthless, Shchukin boldly sought out the work of “rejected” artists. By 1904, he owned 14 Monets. Impressionist works adorned the music room of his villa in Moscow. He then turned his attention to the artists of the next generation. He wanted to introduce th...