In reference to the title of this chapter, I certainly did see Modigliani differently. To begin with, I had been to an extremely interesting conference on this exhibition in Villeneuve d’Ascq at the LAM and had not really intended to make the effort to go. The conference was so compelling, I booked at once.
We all recognize Modigliani. (1884-1920) Long filiform creatures who seem to gaze at us with slit eyes. Often the necks are so long they look out of place and in general, his portraits are not what l call very complimentary. Then of course, Picasso’s aren’t either! Until hearing the conference and then at the exhibition itself, I had always found Modigliani a little repetitive. I really could not have been so wrong. When l arrived at the museum (it’s about an hour and a half from Paris and not the nicest building I have seen) A Picasso sculpture in the gardens.... this is what I saw. This was the end of the line which had wended it's way down to the entra...