The list was made and it’s very long. All the exhibitions that I want to see in the coming year. As is always the case in France we are kept waiting until mid end of September of each year before there are openings and then naturally, everything comes at once. I had been booked to go to Lille for quite a while but at the last moment due to a rather tiresome unforeseen event I needed to postpone the trip until later. As it so happens it was a good idea as Lille 3000 started on the 26th of September and my trip was now planned for the end of the month.
The theme this year is « Renaissance » with more than 35 large exhibitions being held in Lille and surroundings. Cities - art of the « Renaissance » Seoul, Indhoven Phnom Penh, Detroit and I could go on. What I was mainly interested in was an exhibition at The Beaux Arts « Joie de Vivre » or perhaps "The Love of Life"? The Palais Beaux Not really joyful Art has always played a significant r...