
Affichage des articles du avril 1, 2012


An exhausted head seen by Michel This morning my head feels this way..Michel must know it well. I am looking forward to seeing something like this in Paris rather than churches and chapels.  Oh for modernity, n'est-ce pas Michel ? Yet there is still so much to see if I want to...
 Yesterday was another day of discoveries. Not those I expected as the one Chateau I had intended visiting Azay Le Ferron was about to close when I arrived and when I went back later in the afternoon there was a wait of nearly and hour before I could visit. Even the gardens it would seem were «controlled». After the first deception, looking at the map some 20 kilometers further north there was a cluster of chateaux, abbeys  and monasteries to visit. Not all of course. 
 The drive was as usual in La Touraine, sheer beauty. Post card countryside and yet again because of the twists and turns, the ups and downs it was difficult to stop.  The only flat land I drove accross ...