
Affichage des articles du novembre 8, 2015


I hadn’t been to the FIAC for a few years and remember that the last time I went, I was quite lost. Bewildered may be a better word. The size of the fair is daunting in itself. The last time, perhaps 5 years ago, it was already in two places in Paris plus the « outside » exhibitions - one of which you saw in rehearsal. This time, it had grown in size with extra galleries, outside installations and a lot more. I was slightly scandalized by the entry price and the catalogue. This time I wanted the catalogue as it would give me the names of the major galleries around the world. The fact that I have read so much about art, galleries, collectors over these last years made me prepared - or I hoped - for what I was about to see. Prepared - well more or less - 173 galleries from 23 countries alone at the Grand Palais. The new French artists had been relegated the space at the other end of Paris in the « Cité de la Mode and du Design ». From my point of view ...