Although I am attracted to most Asian countries, for some reason or another I don’t take much interest in Asiatic art. Of course one should as most of it, especially the little I know of Chinese, Japanese and Korean have histories which even our old Europe doesn’t imbibe in. Walking along the Ecole de Medicine there was a poster for « Chine, de la Vie à la Mort, Objects and rituals of protection in « old China » » and in the Medical museum which I have never visited. For a very good reason. Those knifes and descriptions of medieval medicine make me feel faint just to look at them. Read the descriptions and you would undoubtedly find me displayed on the floor horizontally. Well, it's another mannequin! As in many universities, the place is not indicated very well and after two flights of stairs and not just any stairs but regal and not unalike Versailles, I came upon this. You must admit that such an opening and presentation of a museum has a lot ...