
Affichage des articles du mars 22, 2012


At the Welcome conference, there was some talk of art in La Roche Posay. I had already looked at two art galleries from the outside. The third was on a second floor of a 13th century building. A poster on the window showed that it could be interesting. Like the first two it was closed when I went by on Tuesday. On Wednesday I came back early enough from my walk to discover what was going on. 
 In the first gallery, I would define the work as «nice». Water colours of the region and without any doubt there is a market for such art. It was not for me but I certainly did take my time as I like aquarelle . After peering through the window of the second gallery, I skipped it. Then I walked into the old town - all of three minutes from where the other two galleries were and went into what I found to be a very forbidding antique shop which seemed to be full of asiatic, buddha and exotic sculptures. The lighting was poor and the entrance somewhat daunting. A charming woman came to meet me....