During the summer months (if you could call the weather summer), there is a lot going on in Europe. Now that exhibitions travel, what is point in jumping onto a plane or train to see what might be seen in Paris six months later? This is not the case with the galleries and as is often the case, the galleries, when I go to them, are usually empty. There were two artists that I wanted to know more about. Xu Zhen, Chinese, living and working in Shanghai is just 40. His exhibition was at the Perrotin gallery and is called « Civilization Iteration ». I had seen his work when in Shanghai. The other artist is Robert Arnoux whose work I had noticed in my Beaux Arts magazine. « Sculptures en Paysage » (« Landscape Sculptures »). I was also to discover alongside Xu Zen, a new artist for me, Zach Harris. His work is amazing.
Back to Xu Zhen. The word Iteration related to a work of art. He launched a brand in his own name in 2013. Itineration which refers to the...