Why bring together Ferdinand Hodler, ( 1853-1918) Claude Monet (1840-1926) and Edvard Munch (1863-1944) in an exhibition? This is the question that I have been asking myself since the exhibition opened in September at the Marmotton Museum. I would find out as I had decided to go during the « silly season » when I hoped all those who would probably go, were drinking and being merry…I was right, there were few people in the museum. So why should they be brought together? Because they are all essential European modernist painters, between Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Symbolism. In many ways, Monet introduced that period to Europe but I certainly would not have thought to group him with Hodler and Munch. Their works take us through the 20th century – up to 1918 for Hodler, 1926 for Monet and 1944 for Munch – and they have had a determining influence on the history of art. Taking my time, but not being able to photograph the paintings (that always makes me wild), I went th...