As time goes by, have you noticed that names seem to change for the same kind of work ? Tagging, graffiti Street Art. Well in actual fact they all have different definitions even if for me, they add up to the same thing. Probably many of you are like me. I find it very disfiguring especially when it boils down to squiggles and initials all over a door, the underground, on a wall or so forth. Then Gianni began to talk to me about it. And even showed me work which seemed to be closer to Art rather than tags and squiggles. I saw the exposition on at the Cartier Foundation and a couple of others which I have talked about. Not surprising then that I went off to the Foundation EDF which you have also visited with me. If you really do want to go back in time, perhaps we could say that street art was invented by the cave man at the beginning of time. On rocks just as all our prehistoric ancestors did to tell their story. Those I have seen around the world are quite fascinating. ...