Many years ago my father told me that from his point of view, the Japanese did not have a sense of humour. He must have known something as he lived in the country for over ten years, worked there and spoke the language fluently. For over ten years, I too went back and forth from France working with the Japanese but really never understood if they were sending me up or being very serious. Was it black humor? After years of to and fro, one Japanese colleague finally asked me to dinner at a sensible hour, 7pm and not at 5pm. Women’s dining time. I thanked him and he added, «You are no longer an object of desire so I can ask you out late.....» Charming. I had just had my 40th birthday but he wasn’t to know that. During the same visit it was hot and I asked to go out and buy a suitable Tshirt. The young woman accompanying me took me to a second hand «grandmother’s outlet». I scowled and asked her how old she thought I was - «very old» she answered» - «like my grandmother who is 55». Getting...