
Affichage des articles du janvier 8, 2012


At lunchtime today, Marielle, Annick and I went to see a film made by Phillipe Piquet. The main reason for making this effort was that P.P. gives conferences on Art intermittently on a Monday evening. «Key Exhibitions from the middle of the 19th century to the end of the 20th» A subject which interested us all. However, his conferences have turned out to be (and there are 7 to go) a list of excuses «I haven’t done, haven’t had time to do, didn’t find on Internet....» and for me anyhow, have become infuriating. We decided to  see his film, but in expectation of what? 
Philippe Piquet is the great, great step grandson of Claude Monet. We are reminded of this in nearly every conference....The film is called « Claude Monet in Giverny - the house of Alice»....He presented  the film remarkably well. As an adolescent he had scrummaged in the attic of his grandmother’s house and found Alice’s (Hoschede)  correspondance to Claude Monet along with photos.  A...