
Affichage des articles du décembre 20, 2015

“¡ PICASSO ! ”

I posted the  Picasso Mania  chapter on the Sunday after the horrors in Paris. I can’t say that loving Picasso’s work as I do and looking at it on a computer screen made me feel much better - but I was doing something and not just staring into space, wondering where the world was going...  The Picasso museum was not on the list for the other day as I had hoped to go to a series of galleries close to it - where had they gone? Buildings and streets have a strange way of moving around in Paris, as if they are daunting me. Walking back toward home, disappointed, I saw that the Picasso museum seemed to be very empty. No queues at all. I had a bit more than two hours to see the new presentation. In I went.This was the anniversary exhibition. One year since the museum had re-opened. One year since I had been there. Just to give you a small idea of what I would be looking at for the following hours…. The exhibition at a glance : 4 distinct parts: the history of ...