Sometimes it’s a good idea to break from something then go back and review the situation. The trip to the Canyons had taken me quite a while to write and then the selection of photos was a difficult job. From over 1500, I went down to 4/500 and probably could delete more. So I decided to go and see an exhibition of a radically different culture. The Congo. I have never been that keen on African art as in my book it seems to be full of clichés and nothing particular specific about it. How wrong could I be. This exhibition called « Beauté Congo- 1926-2015 - Congo Kitoko » was a very serious eye opener. Kitoko fascinated me. Why? Is it the singer? The catalogue (which I did not buy) but found this article from it given by the curator. It really is worthwhile reading some of it….. « 90 YEARS OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART IN CONGO André Magnin Excerpt from the catalog Beauté Congo – 1926-2015 – Congo Kitoko « Chance and need brought this exhibition to fruition....