For a long time now, probably since I started going to contemporary concerts some 20 years ago with my mother, the question keeps on coming back...what is the difference between contemporary and modern music ? Last week during a concert with Gianni, I asked the question. Yesterday at a lunch with Gianni, Laurent and Jerome, the question came up again. It would seem that everyone has an answer. Some satisfactory some not.
What was mine? Naturally like everyone else I went onto Internet and looked up what people had said on Forums and of course, Wikipedia...a lot was related to art and then the was a spark of light. Why don’t you too relate modern and contemporary music to art? I know what I like in art today and can this pleasure be related to music? I am far from being a «realist» in art. Anything which is too real, too explicit turns me off. Yet a very good friend Murielle, has taught me a lot about the early history of art and I have come to accept and enjoy many of the Flemish...