
Affichage des articles du mai 4, 2012


Now why today? There was no reason to go this this particular exhibition. Coincidence? After all the Quai Branly Museum is not exactly next door to where I live and there are other exhibitions that I want to see which are just «down the road». 
 On this coming Sunday I am having a small cocktail  party for my very close friends. To close the door on what has been a rather nasty year. Another word for  Ben Vautier 1991 it would be «Disorderly» ! The exhibition is called «Les Maitres de désordre». «Masters of disorder». Perhaps everyone has had an inexplicable experience in their lives? I had a period of them  over ten years in Australia and then when I arrived in France, the disorderly became orderly...or rather I learnt how to control disorder ... more or less. This is what this exhibition is all about. Perhaps the first picture should be Ben Vautier’s «Pas d’art sans désordre» («no art without disorder»). I go along with that and it could be why my tastes in a...