It was one of those wonderful days. Woke up to a clear blue sky, no wind on the balcony and up and about when the rest of Paris seemed to be sleeping. The sun was rising and sipping my tea, I watched it as the rays came over the balcony and into my living room. A day when there were no real projects, nothing important to do - so what would I do? First plan was to go over to the Orangerie and discover the Macchiaili - or the Italian impressionists. It wasn’t a must as Gianni and I had seen quite a lot where were in Florence. More important perhaps was the walk across the Tuileries gardens which were more or less empty at that hour of the morning. Concorde from the Tuileries - blue sky Dubuffet could be a horse.... A sign on the door told me that the museum was having computer problems (sic) and wouldn’t be open until late morning. What now? Ah, another exhibition which was not a must but even so could be interesting was Tamara de Lempicka at the Pinocotheque. So from ...