I had no intention of writing a blog chapter for this exhibition.In actual fact, it wasn’t on my list. Sunday dawned grey and cold so instead of curling up in a chair, I pushed myself out to see:- "From Timbuktu to Zanzibar - The Islamic Treasures of Africa" : 13 centuries of African Subsahran Islamic History Here is the description given on the Institute’s English home page:- From Dakar to Zanzibar, and from Timbuktu to Harar, the Arab World Institute (Institut du monde arabe) is highlighting African communities that have benefited from thirteen centuries of spiritual and cultural exchange with the Maghrib and the Middle East. Focusing on archaeology, architecture, immaterial heritage, and contemporary art, this unprecedented exhibition brings together around 300 multidisciplinary works in an exhibition space of 1,100 m2 in order to highlig...