I have got to admit it! I am addicted to Scrabble on my Ipad. Hours seem to go by when of course I should be doing other things. If you have the game you have probably discovered too that your virtual partner cheats badly with words that do not exist and even words that if you ask for if in a predicament are not, in my Larousse either. So wandering along toward the Odeon the other day, the rain was beginning and I was next to the Cluny Museum which is medieval. It’s a museum I enjoy and have discovered that much of this art - be it religious or not along with the sculpture is often without the incredible detail that you find for instance in the Renaissance. There was an exhibition which was about to end and I had intended going before the last day, but what better moment that now with the rain spitting and a ghastly wind blowing. «Art of Game and Game in Art» «Art du jeu, jeu dans l’Art» - from Babylone to the Medieval Occident. Before my addiction to Scrabble, I have never bee...