I had seen this photo in a few advertising posters and from a little way off it gave me the impression that I was looking at a Georges Rouault painting. (1871-1958). La Grèce - 1910 The name on the poster meant nothing to me. George Desvallières. I had been to see Carambolages at the Grand Palais and over the road another reputation is revived. Self Portrait with red scarf 1880 George Desvallières certainly had an eventful career. Independent and from what l could make out, very much influenced by mythology or mythological creatures at the beginning. Some of them were more realistic than realistic and surprisingly so. I can’t say that I really liked them but they do not leave me indifferent. "David Triomphant" by Jules-Elie Delaunay (1828-1891) Bow Marksmen 1896 - The Combat of Hercules Love overcoming Hercule 1894: A Terrestial turned into a strange mythological idol? The Vine 1910 Naïde - 1914 Then he became more and more real...