When I went to the M.A.M. this morning with a very close friend, we went to see the legacy of some 60 paintings of De Chirico given by the foundation to the Modern Art Museum. I had already seen it but wanted to share it with Pierre who said he «loved» this artist. Due to cold and freezing conditions some of the major rooms had been closed. Great disappointment and we prepared to leave. But I needed one of those precautionary pees before going out in -5° and in one of the lower rooms discovered an installation which bowled me over. I called Pierre at once. Eko Nugroho is an Indonesian artist and this installation is called «Hybrid Witness». At once I found it politically involved. A statement against the burqa or the hijab and probably it could be read that way. However, to quote the press article :- «The multiplicity of identities lies at the core of his work. Relationships depend on the image of ourselves we show to people. Everyone of us h...