If I asked you "how do you see Robotic Art"? What would your reply be? I conjure up images of robotic animals, robots and machines which have a form of intelligence at the same time. Perhaps these should just be called robots? Anne and I went off to the Cité des Sciences the other day to see a temporary exhibition called "Robotic Art". I can't say that I like this centre. It's huge, cold and uninviting. A centre for children's activities. All in all a learning centre. Escalators were not working and just getting to the second floor was robotic in itself - then we had to find the entrance. Of course we did and I think that from the start we were both somewhat disappointed.
In the first gallery, there were videos describing and showing those terrifying fair-ground machines. It was enough to make me feel queasy seeing them turn around, upside down and somersault at horrifying speeds. Robotic? I suppose so and yet I had never thought of such machines as ro...