After Marseille, we are to visit a very strange city. First of all you should know that our « Monumenta » takes place each year in the Grand Palais. The Minister of culture invites an internationally renowned artist to take over the 13,500 square metres or 145,312.79 square feet with an installation. Whichever measurement you look at, it is huge. I have seen all the installations, Anselm Kieffer in 2007, Richard Serra in 2008, Christian Boltanski in 2010, Anish Kapoor in 2011, Daniel Buren in 2012 ( ART AND EXCENTRIC LIGHT ) and now Ilya and Emilia Kabakov take over the Nave. Internationally renowned? I certainly didn’t know either l of them. Ilya Kabakov, ( 1943-) we are told, is an international figure on the Art scene. Russian of course and started working as a full time artist in the 60’s. Installations, sculptures and paintings. His wife, Emilia graduated from the Faculty of Music, studied Spanish literature at the Moscow university. Since 1989, they l...