The Rodin exhibition had just started. Would I chance it and go? Once at the Grand Palais, I hesitated in front of a small queue and then said « go on, try » - I did. Sailed in and there were not too many people around. When I left, that was another story.

This would be the blockbuster of the year. It’s a century since Rodin died. He was 77. The influence he has had and continues to have on 20th century and later artists, is considerable. That I was looking forward to seeing. He was an extremely versatile artist/sculptor and in many respects when his work is looked at today, it is as modern as a lot of our contemporary artists. Especially his drawings.

Brume du soir - 1902
Femme nue aux jambes fléchies - 1900
He is certainly not relegated to a bygone era. New perspectives enrich the way he is understood - today. Many artists have appropriated his work, from the time he lived until now.

George Baselitz (1938-) 
Peuple chose zéro: 2009

Le Penseur - 1903

Rodin & Baselitz

What I was not expecting was the overwhelming number of statues, studies, sketches and other artist’s work. Every time I thought the exhibition had finished, we seemed to go on for one, two or more galleries. When I got home and started looking at the 100’s of photos (yes, you read right), I didn’t know where to start. Sculptures had been taken from different angles. Some of them looked so much better when they were not face on….

Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) 
Young Man Sitting - 1916-17

Wilhelm Lehmbruck- 
Prostrate - 1915
Wilhelm Lehmbruck- 
Prostrate - 1915

Rodin -
Feminine Torso - 1914
Rodin -
Feminine Torso - 1914

No way though that I could have crowded this chapter with all those photos. I hope the choice is an interesting one for you.

The exhibition is structured into three major sections. Rodin the expressionist, Rodin the experimenter and the effects of the shock-wave after the 2nd world war or after 1945. Then, each section is broken down again…it’s not confusing when you are there, but would be if I tried to reconstruct it. I won’t. We will add photos in the order that I have taken them, with comments as I go along. 

A comment which could be interesting is the Prague exhibition in 1902 where Rodin was invited by the artist's association. Manes. He showed 88 sculptures and 75 drawings. My first thought, is how did they transport all that work? The conditions could certainly not be as good or as secure as today. His work was met with a tremendous reception. 

Max Svabinsky (Czech 1873-1962) Rodin inspiré - 1902: 
Probably served as the invitation to the exhibition
Frantisek Simon (Czech - 1877-1942) 
At the exhibition

Josef Maratka (Prague, 1874-1937) Ruth Saint Denis 1906
Rodin - 1900

Antony Gormley (1950-) 
Concept 2002

Antony Gormley (1950-)
Threshold - 2002

I'm sorry but the title is blurred
Markus  Lüpertz (1921-2012)- 
No Title

Jean Fautrier (1898-1964) 
Nu pour Allelula 1942-44
Egon Schiele (1890-1918) 
Naked woman with forearm lifted
Henri Matisse (1869-1964) 
No Title 1930-32
Picasso (1881-1973) 
Couple Enlacé -1901

Tracey Emin (1963-)
 Lonely Chair Drawing

Giacometti (1901-1966)
William De Kooning (1904-97) 
Gerard: Figure on the beach - 1970
George Baselitz - 
No title - 1992

Rodin - 
Shadows of Man and child - 1880
Eugène Dodeigne (1923-2015) - 
No title 1981
Rodin & Ernest Chaplet (1835-1909) 
Bacchante assise riant - around 1888-90

Of course it is quite obvious that the modern artists that we know today were not included in the Prague exhibition. I have displayed those I saw. I am sure  Rodin would have approved.

So, at the turn of the 20th century, just as young artists were going though an impressionist period, young sculptors (many of them who were also artists) embarked on a "Rodinesque" period. 
Henry Moore (1898-1986) 
Animal Head - 1978

Henry Moore - 
Flint Torso - 1978

Annette Messager (1943-) 
Les Mains, série Mes Trophées -1987
Annette Messager - 
Le Couteau-baiser - 1984
Rodin - Le Martyre 1899
Rodin - 
Right arm of the Whistler Muse - 1908-1908

Antoine Bourdelle (1861-1921) 
Guerrier mourant...1895-1902

Joseph Bernard (1866-1931) 
L'Homme, fragment du Fardeau de la vie - 1987
Rodin -
 Mask of Camille Claudel and left hand of Pierre de Wissant - around 1895? 

Rodin - 
La Cathedrale but they are hands all the same - 1908
Picasso  - Le Fou - 1905 and Rodin, Study for Saint George  (1903)
Robert Couturier  (1905-2008) 
Saint Sébastien -1944
George Kolbe (1877-1947)

Rodin - 
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes - around 1891

Rodin - 
Henry Becque - around 1904

Rodin - 
Feminine torso and coiled snake - 1895-1910

Picasso - 
Absinthe Glass - 1914
Picasso - 
Head of woman - 1906-07
Rodin - 
Small head with turned up nose ! around 1900

Ossip Zadkine (1890-1967) 
Torso of a destroyed town - 1951-63

 As you may know, this particular sculture of Balzac was refused by "the People's Letters Society" as they didn't recognize the novelist in his "dressing gown" ! Today it is in a small square quite close to Montparnasse and until it was brought to my attention, I never really saw it. Shame on me! 

Rodin - 
Balzac's robe de chambre -1897

Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) 
Costume en feutre - 1970
Balzac- 1898

Rodin - Dance movement - 1911
Markus Lüpertz - 
Dance movement - 1911
Rodin- Nikinski - 1911

Thomas Housseago (1972-) 
The Walking Man ) 1995
Germaine Richier (1902-1959) - 
Water 1953-54
Markus Lüpertz - 
Hölderin - 2011

Markus Lüpertz - 
Odalisque - 1993

Picasso - 
Glove composition - 1930 (August)

Markus Lüpertz - 
Head of Paris - 2002
Etienne Martin (1913-1995) 
Foot, leg - 1990
Antony Gormley - Feeling Material lV - 2003

Has Gormley been influenced by Cragg or Rodin or both?
Tony Cragg (1948-)
 Untitled 1996
William de Kooning (1904-97) 
Hostess -1973-79

Germaine Richier - 
Le Berger des Landes - 1951

Picasso - 
L'Homme au mouton -1943
Picasso -
 Homme debout - 1942

Henry Moore - 
Draped Torso - 1953

Cesar (1921-98) 
Torso - 1959

André Masson (1896-1987) 
Minotaure l (Le Grand) 1942

Jean-Paul Marcheschi (Bastia 1951-) 
L'Acrobate 2009
Rodin - 
Naked man carrying a child - around 1888
Rodin - 
Triple Portrait de Nouryé de Rohozinska - 1906

Paul Gaugin (1848-1903) T
hree heads of Tahitiens 1901-03
Titled blurred again - sorry - I love the shadow on the wall...

There are over 100 photos that I could add. Below a few of the better known perhpas?
Monument aux Bourgeois de Calais - 1889 

The Kiss - 1881-1882
Les Sources taries - The dried up springs - before 1989

Study for the torso of the Man walking - 1878-1879

Woman squatting holding a stone - 1889

Psyché-Printemps - around 1886

La Douleur n° 2 - The Pain - around 1885

The Door of Hell - 1889-90
The Jongler and Acrobat - 1892?
Le Penseur - 1903

The Fall of an Angel - arounf 1895

There are more photos - many more - but you too are probably at saturation point. After 3 hours I really wondered what I had seen. It is for that reason that all the artists are mixed up in this chapter: for diversity : to mix periods but most of all I hope - to see just how much Rodin has influenced artists of yesterday and today.


Michael Keane a dit…
Certainly a many and varied exhibition. Love the drawings by Rodin and Gormley. Always impressed by the 'Balzac' - so haughty - and I'm a great fan of Henry Moore.

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