I still felt stunned by the INSIDE exhibition. Either I am going to reject these installations from now on, or go to see some of them with Jerome and Laurent. They don’t like everything either, but when they do, their arguments are quite convincing.

No-one at the Guimet museum either. It’s a charming centre and the effort should or could be made to come more often. « The Splendors des Han » was marked down in my « to see list » and it could only be very much better than what I had just been through. 

It was of course. 

Looking down on the first gallery

The poster for the exhibition

I Have always loved this
I don’t pretend to know much about this dynasty ((209BC-9AC) except that anytime I look at it, everything seems to be modern, so well preserved and sophisticated. The excavations and research that has been done in China goes to show how advanced these populations were. Maybe it’s a very good thing that they sent to much with their dead to go on living on the « other side » as otherwise we may not have learnt so much.

Shroud in Jade

Shroud in Jade

Shroud in Jade

The figurines seem to have stepped out of a China I know a little about. Ladies, musicians, cooks and even utensils or jewelry.

Musciciens West Han (206BC-8AC)

Female Figure - West Han 206BC-8JC

Figures West Han 206BC-8AC

Funnel, Oven, Dog and Cock (East Han 25-220)

The Cook (East Han (25-220)

Playing games Han Dynasty (206 BC -220AC)

Dancer West Han (206BC-8AC)

Playing games Han Dynasty (206 BC -220AC)
Shell Recipient (West Han 206BC-8 AC)

Perfume Burner (West Han 206BC-8AC)
Lamp in the shape of a ram

Necklaces - Han stones, glass, shells ...
Plate in the form of a tiger (Han - 206BC-220AC)

One thing I certainly did not know is that it was this dynasty that invented paper. Looking at the writing instruments I felt I was back in Beijing watching the hotel manager write me a message for my birthday. Was it only last year?

Writing material and discovery of paper

 Agriculture too was so important and this is reflected in the animals that they said to the other world too. 

Even to the extents of a barn in maquette form. The indication given was that without this, we would not really know today how advanced they were.

Bull and Wooden plough West Han

Animal Figures West Han 206BC-8AC

The Emperor Jngdi Tomb
Model of a Granery on 5 levels (East Han 25-220)

Model of a Granery on 5 levels (East Han 25-220)

And of course their army were of the utmost importance

Horsemen Figures West Han -206BC - 8AC)

Horsemen Figures West Han -206BC - 8AC)

Horsemen Figures West Han -206BC - 8AC)

Leaving this world as a dignatary , everthing was done to make the "trip" easier

Staff to look after the dead dignatary

Vase like Hu (West Han -206BC - 8AJ)

Gard of Honor & Horse

Gard of Honor & Horse

Gard of Honor & Horse

Immortel Figure 206BC-8AC

Immortel Figure 206BC-8AC

Pierres Sonores Bianqing - West Han (206 BC - 8 AC)

It was too, this dynasty that created the silk route - something I would loved to have done but it's a little late now.....

The Silk Route

Costume with short sleeves (East Han 25-220) or Wei-Jin Dynasty 220-265 & 265-420)


Lo a dit…
It's never too late Mrs Keane! Aren't you going to visit the American West Coast this summer and maybe Japan next year?? Anyway, I wouldn't have chosen to go and see this exhibition but having read your blog maybe I will now :-)

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