This was the first march I have ever been to. Jerome added, and « I hope the last ». He was right and the question that was foremost in my mind « Could this ever happen again? » I have lived France in adversity many years ago when the population rose to vote against Le Pen (far right) in the final round for the elections for the President of France. This was an invisible vote but France was there and voted massively against Le Pen. (2002)

Yesterday was something else.

No-one could not have been touched by these events. For three days we lived glued to our radios, television sets or Internet following step by step news « in live » Charlie Hebdo to begin with then the atrocities in the Kasher supermarket. 17 people were killed. We were scared. On the Thursday I crossed Paris on foot trying to seize the atmosphere in the different quartiers. It was as if a black cloud had descended upon us. Faces were torn with grief, people looking at the pavement and even the shops where sales had started the previous day, didn’t seem to be full of people. In fact many were empty. In front of the 5th arrondissement I looked up and saw this on the gates of our Town Hall..

I totally go for the « We » and I was proud to be French. The country I had adopted to be my home. I knew that I must go to the march.

Friends had called and emailed from all over the world - and then too I perceived a solidarity from every country which of course we had seen in other terrorist  attacks - this time it was us. Thank you to those who called me and if my voice had a tremor, it was for a reason. 

The march was to begin at 3pm with over 60 nations attending. Pierre and I arrived at the Republique well ahead of time - around 1-30pm. Never have I known a hour to go so quickly. This was not political, there was no recuperation and would you believe, no-one seemed to be smoking around us? WE were all there. People of every race, every creed, every colour….. people chatting openly to one another. Pierre put his arm around people that may have  have rejected that sign of sympathy at another moment. The Marseillais rose from out throats for no particular reason, just as people applauded - for no particular reason. WE were one nation with many flags and many nationalities.

Tears were in my eyes as more and more people crowded  into the square. A million before the march had even begun. Then Pierre was worried. We were late to start and pushing forward began. Not in anger but to express feelings that were pent up inside. He said we must leave as the crowd could crush us down. We were « oldies » next to this vibrant youth. The same idea had come to many others as we pushed our way back and then just went along with the crowd. A hand could not be moved in front, turning was virtually impossible. Even then, no-one lost their patience, policemen smiled and people laughed - even one youngster called out « I have never been so close to my fellow citizens »…..how right he was.

Europe was Charlie, Australia was Charlie - I think the world was Charlie.

As we came closer to the Chatelet - suddenly and I mean suddenly, the skies smiled down at us in a sign of hope. So will this change the situation? Will hate turn to understanding? Will we stop making an amalgam of religions? Will we become more tolerant of others? Will "what has got to be done" to help us go forward, be done? The Police had done a remarkable job. Our present government showed their strength so  let us hope that we all can change - and for the better.


Lo a dit…
It was indeed an incredible gathering, rally, march, event we were proud of being a part of. I had never seen so many people marching for a same cause and what a cause it was! Let's hope it wasn't for nothing and that our politicians are now going to act on it...

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