The week following my trip to Lyon, I was prancing around like a caged lion. It was totally unreasonable of me to go back for the « Peter Grimes ». On the Thursday, one of my incoming emails gave a write up and critics for the opera. « Amazing » - « Stunning » - « Spectacular » with even more superlatives concerning the production, orchestration and voices - it was just too much for me. I turned for another hour and then said « to hell with it - you’re going ». Something told me that I would never have this opportunity again with a « Mr Ono » production. 

So I went.

After having picked up my tickets, I decided a fast trot over to the Contemporary museum which I had not seen the first visit. It was a lot further than I thought 

I like the houses in Lyon

and the shop windows

and when I go there - finally - closed in preparation for the next exhibition in May. So I wandered down to the Parc de la Tête d’or. This was built starting in 1857 and is quite a remarkable place.

 First thing I saw was an Islamic wedding. Looking at her, I wondered if she would look like the woman on the right, the following day!


Rather daring and the women were

like this....

The trees were beautiful. Sunday strollers, picnickers, children on bikes, the little train. And a beautiful day - so it was probably even better for me that the museum would have been. 

Wang Du World Markes 2004

Great Circle Dom e- Richard Buckminster Fuller 1960

I should have taken it....

Together for Peace and Justice


« Peter Grimes » was out of this world. I suppose like many of Britten’s operas, it is ambiguous and one could say that it is the rejection of an individual. Peter Grimes, a fisherman, rejected by the villagers. Did he kill those apprentices - or had they simply had accidents? Is he violent? Nothing is ever really confirmed.

There was an air of expectation in the theatre and then this came into view. His boat. Scene changes were made around this and quite often modern whereas the costume were of the period.
The orchestra - tuning up


and more so

then we see Peter Grime's Boat

Set changes were around the boat

Ever description I had read was not good enough for the experience that night. It was the final night. Would it have been a better performance than the previous ones? I don’t know. The music is very touching and very exciting. Moments of stress, moments of calm.

It was good to have my « interval » dinner and read the score. 

dinner at interval in the auditorium....

For the final curtain call, Mr Ono came on stage with a big drum which one of the actors had used in the performance to announce that Peter Grimes must be found. He was banging away with a huge smile on his face. I have never seen a Japanese so emotional.

Something I didn’t tell you, when the opera began, people crowded in next to me (I was sitting in the first balcony a little on the side in a solo seat with two people in front of me and one behind.) I thought they were spectators and then I realized they were the « villagers » singing and we were part of the opera…..

These are once in a lifetime experiences……


Michael Keane a dit…
Very jealous. "Peter Grimes" must have been a wonderful experience. Incidentally, suggested to a Tasmanian who has written modern opera and trains voices that he should arrange a performance of Britten's "Saint Nicholas" in a church here at Christmas. Met with complete indifference!

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