ANIMALS CAN TEACH US A LOT - their sexual habits can
We were to go and see the Australian exhibition this afternoon, but Swanie bowled me over. If anything, she is beautiful and square young lady and certain subjects are when she suggested that we went to see «Sexual Nature» - the sexuality of animals, I could have been struck down by a feather. Animals and the two legged human variety apparently do not come under the same banner.
This is a moving exhibition which has come from the National History Museum in London. I don’t think anyone will disapprove if I take their article discreetly from the home page.
Take hedgehogs for instance: after sex there is an inbuilt contraception barrier for the female so no other male can penetrate!
Or those sexually avid felines - rabbits included - the male has a kind of vibrator on his penis to satisfy her, but when he retracts, oh but does that hurt......
And how about some birds ....could you resist this if you were a female?
Some beasties get their head bitten off - the male - after sex and when the babies are born, they eat what is found on the ground....the mantis for instance.....
We all know how horny gorillas but I didn’t know about if there isn’t a female around...
Did you know that there are 450 homosexual animals and some who adopt lost babies. Rather an up to date subject?
Of course the foxes are making can go on for up to an hour - bottom to bottom....
We spent nearly two hours there and reading all the details....then talking about them.....
What is a delight thought are a serious of films made by Isabelle
Rossellini’s called «Green Porno». No, I am sure that they are not for everyone and suggest that anyone who could be offended by such images stays well away - we saw everyone one of them and learnt a lot.
What was undoubtedly the most «puritanical» part of the exhibition was when we were asked to vote what we thought about certain subjects....Swan who is usually very black and white on such occasions said «but you can’t say yes or no to that....there are far too many things to take into account». Bravo Swan.
This is a moving exhibition which has come from the National History Museum in London. I don’t think anyone will disapprove if I take their article discreetly from the home page.
Sexual Nature leaves little to the imagination. From the moment visitors enter the exhibition’s sensual low-lit environment, they’ll see and hear mother nature at her most sexually active as we explore how animals do it.Swan and I learnt a lot!
Visitors will see courtship rituals and seduction techniques, from moonwalking manakin birds to present-giving dance flies. They’ll also see the aggressive side of sexual nature and discover some amazing facts of life. For instance, did you know the barnacle has a penis 30 times its body length? Or that male hedgehogs make a ‘sperm plug’ that acts as a natural chastity belt for females.
The final display area explores the conventional and not so conventional behaviours that drive human sexual attraction. And through interactive methods such as magnetic poetry, a chat-up line wall, and lonely hearts recordings, we sensitively encourage visitors to share their own sexual beliefs and express what lust, love and sex mean to them.
Take hedgehogs for instance: after sex there is an inbuilt contraception barrier for the female so no other male can penetrate!
Or those sexually avid felines - rabbits included - the male has a kind of vibrator on his penis to satisfy her, but when he retracts, oh but does that hurt......

Some beasties get their head bitten off - the male - after sex and when the babies are born, they eat what is found on the ground....the mantis for instance.....
We all know how horny gorillas but I didn’t know about if there isn’t a female around...
Did you know that there are 450 homosexual animals and some who adopt lost babies. Rather an up to date subject?

Of course the foxes are making can go on for up to an hour - bottom to bottom....
We spent nearly two hours there and reading all the details....then talking about them.....
What is a delight thought are a serious of films made by Isabelle
Rossellini’s called «Green Porno». No, I am sure that they are not for everyone and suggest that anyone who could be offended by such images stays well away - we saw everyone one of them and learnt a lot.
Isabella Rossellini's bizarre and hilarious look at sex in the natural world, as she explores the mating habits of snails. FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF GREEN PORNO STAR YOU ARE AT: disappointed us both: there was no magazine specifically on what we had seen. Not too much on Internet either.
What was undoubtedly the most «puritanical» part of the exhibition was when we were asked to vote what we thought about certain subjects....Swan who is usually very black and white on such occasions said «but you can’t say yes or no to that....there are far too many things to take into account». Bravo Swan.