Is this art ? A good friend who came with me to see «Excentrique(s) Travail in Situ» or perhaps « Excentriques(s) Art on the spot», did not think so. When I ventured to say that it was changing colour - she added that in a church with stained glass windows there would also be changing colours if the sun was shining in. Murielle is right but on the other hand, this work is colour - changing colour - and changing light. With every footstep I seemed to see another colour and another perspective of Daniel Buren’s work. Thanks to Claude who was our speaker, we had the time to look closer and see structures and colours which we may not have seen otherwise. Claude also described this creation as art.
Monumenta, is just  that - monumental. Every year an artist is invited to «invade» the 13 500m2 and 45 metres of height in the Grand Palais. A work of art which is created for this space. Two of the five artists so far have created ephemeral works. Daniel Buren’s is one of them. He is one of France’s best know artists. 74 and when I saw him today at the exhibition, I wanted to go over and say hello. He seemed approachable as if he wanted to speak to his public. His work will be in the nave for 6 and a half weeks. I know him best  for his vertical poles in black and white. He creates for a space and therefore his creations could not live elsewhere. It’s as if his work is there to transform the space and for us to see something else in the space itself. Just as I do when I see a contemporary artist’s work displayed in the Louvre. Suddenly I see what is around that work very much better. Here in the Grand Palais, the green on the metal structures seemed greener, the shapes on the nave where sharper and the dome itself larger than I could ever have imagined it in previous years

The first view on entering the nave

And looking down a the dome
Closing in on the dome

Nearly under the dome

looking to the right

 The sun was shining in and the light on the plastic translucent film transformed the space as we strolled though this cathedral of colour and light. 

 Even the poles holding up the 377 circles in five different colours changed as the light changed with them. Sometimes black and white, sometimes different colours.
First look up ....

And the dome changed colour when I moved from one circle to the next.....

The dome was covered in blue film too
And under another circle of colour
Another view again - I had moved a couple of steps

Plunging donw into colour

A sea of people
The reflection


In the centre there were three mirors, globes on the ground. Stand on them and you plunge into a sea of colours. Then walk up the staircase and there is a sea of circles gleaming back at you. Change places and their colours seem to change too. Depending on where you are standing, the colours are strong, shining or dark and dusty.

Sun and Shade

The heights of these structures are different too. Three and the tallest being 7m50. Why couldn’t there a 6m50? Not even a mathematician has worked that out. But the height difference is difficult to see unless perhaps you are looking for it. 6 days to install the creation. 

 Shorter to take it down ?
Looking down from the staircase


So is this a work of art ? Like so many installations, Buren’s work is short lived. Most of his work is. But the poles in black and white sign his creations and that changing light created by these sphere in their different colour maybe ephemeral but in my book, unforgettable.

Poles are black and white and colours have become dusty

On the way out....


Lo a dit…
We nearly went to see it last Sunday but never found the energy to leave the comfort of our flat (no comment lol!). Hopefully we'll see it this weekend.

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