When I was making out my list of exhibitions to see, not forgetting those around Europe, I asked myself but why is it « Picassomania» year? There seem to be exhibitions all over the place and before the end of the year in France there will be five - maybe more. It’s not a celebration year. (188l-1973). Could it hav e something to do with Olga? His Russian wife as they married in 1917? There is an exhibition on their relationship as well . That will be my next chapter. After a little hunting around I discovered that Bernard-Ruiz Picasso (grandson of Olga and Picasso) who is the joint co-curator of the Parisian museum is now much more lenient about works being shipped and shown in other museums - around the world. As this was not the previous strategy it could mean that more and more museums are able to put on blockbuster exhibitions. We must remember that there are over 5000 works of Picasso in the Parisian archives alone. Overtime, wherever I have been I always...