I enjoy conferences with Claude Rocca and «Les Chemins de l’Art» but don’t go too often as the periods or exhibitions he presents are not always of interest to me. But we are about to have two conferences which I booked quite a while ago. One on the Art during the second world war period and the other on Edward Hopper. This is the first major exhibition and retrospective which is travelling around Europe. Laurent and Jerome had already seen it in Madrid - I had to be patient and to see it in Paris. couple buvant 1906-07 Claude gave us an hour’s presentation with slides. We were then given «quartier libre» to visit the exhibition which is on three floors and covering his life’s work. Some 128 paintings in all from water-colours to illustrations during the period where he worked before becoming famous, engravings and paintings. In the latter period there are so many of his paintings which are known and used for advertisement of some kind or another that I was p...