Fautrier left me somehow puzzled. Why this time more than with other painters. Perhaps that his pallet was so varied and an artist which could not be identified so easily. The questions that came to mind. « Why am I so intrigued with abstract art? » « Why do so many of the realist artists and of no particular period, leave me indifferent? » That doesn’t mean to say that I don’t appreciate their work but most of the time, the paintings are reassuring and have an immediate identity. Many of my friends can’t understand my attraction to abstract work. « Squiggles. » « Paint splashed onto a canvas » Don’t know what I’m looking at »…and the comments go on. Perhaps that is why I am so attracted to abstract work. For me, there are so many hidden images and colours which intermingle giving way to space or sometimes crowded into a small space. They make me « study » a painting. Realism doesn’t. So what would it be now? Where had time gone? Da...