
Affichage des articles du février 10, 2013


Marielle had sent me over a link for a new «art-page» so I could read an article on one of Courbet’s major works. «A Burial at Ornans». Not finding the page at once, I spent a couple of hours reading different historical facts about different paintings. A wonderful new page for me and finally the article on Courbet was fascinating.   However, it is not in English. Instead of going to the exhibition I had planned to see and having discovered something on the new page, I went off to «L’Histoire de France racontée par la Publicité». «French History through Advertising». It was also the first time too I had visited  the Forney Bibliotheque. So the Gaulois smoked gauloise cigarettes, Henry lV drank beer, Napoleon lll didn’t suffer from the cold, Mariane (who represents liberty)  is very much a advertising star not to mention all the political figures of a period between 1880 and 1914 who seem